Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Blog address

We've had to start over with our family blog. For some reason it wont let a few people view it. I'm thinking it has a virus? Who knows. But to whomever reads this, our new blog address is www.phippspartyofsix.blogspot.com
Come look for us there!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Our sweet kitty had babies today....

The girls are beyond excited. And I have to admit Tyson and I act like big kids because we keep going out into the garage to look at them too.

Growing Up

I talked her into pulling out her front tooth
She looks adorable!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The last few weeks in pictures....

When a 5 yr old takes your picture....( yes, I was very tired)
This is what I want to bring baby Spencer home from the hospital in ;-)

Ready for school!
(PS it was "black & white" day in Kindergarten)

Kennedy was posing for the pic and Brooklyn jumped in right when I snapped the photo...

Not happy at all that I turned off Dora so we could take her sisters to school....

Warning: If you leave it out- she will find it.

Benefit of being the youngest- lunch with Mommy and Daddy while sisters are at school- score!!
("show me your ears & your happy face!")

A very tired little girl
(red day at Kindergarten)

And the best for last- Kennedy drew a mustache on Tyson while he was napping two Sundays ago. He had no clue. It was awesome.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First day of school!!

Mrs. Peterson's class!

The little boy behind Brooklyn was very upset...Brooklyn was super excited!!

My beautiful 3rd grader!!

September 7, 2010